

Music Monday (week 2)

This mix is an assortment of randomness. It's got a little bit of indie flair, as well as some dubstep. Some of the songs are  brand new to me, some are a bit older, but still favorites of mine.
Have fun with this one. :)


Store Opening!

Hello blogger world, guess what?
I opened a store this weekend! :)

Here's the link:

Listings are being posted slowly but surely throughout the upcoming weeks. I have ten listings so far, at the time of this blog post.
I'm also beginning to work with resin as well as polymer clay, making pendants, rings, etc... so there will be some fun, truly one-of-a-kind pieces to look forward to!
I plan on doing a set of Doctor Who pendants, as well as a Reddit set, to start off with, and in a month or so I will start doing custom orders. Very exciting!

Well that is all for now, I've got a lot of work to do! :)




My friend Sharelle has been giving The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins RAVE reviews lately, and I've heard great things from other sources as well, so that was sort of a last-second selection. 
When we got to the bookstore, I knew I wanted to buy Bossypants by Tina Fey, and The Big-Ass Book of Crafts 2 by Mark Montano. I have been eyeing those books for MONTHS but each time we go to the bookstore (which hasn't been very often lately, unfortunately) I forget to look for them. I am so excited to curl up and read for awhile tomorrow...after I list a few things on my Etsy shop, that is. 

Speaking of the shop, I have the shop opened and everything, but haven't listed anything quite yet. I had a VERY long, busy day of running errands, but enjoyed spending the day with Shane. 
Once we got home, I dove right into baking Shane and his family Root beer float cupcakes for Shane's birthday...

I'll post a picture of the cupcakes once I get up the motivation. I promise.
After I baked the cupcakes, I whipped up some penne alfredo with garlic chicken that was pretty damn delicious, if I do say so myself. 

Anyway, back to the store... I'm working on the look and feel of it tonight, making the banner, listing the policies, etc, etc... but I will be working on listing items to the shop tomorrow afternoon, once I've gotten some sleep!

Stay on the look out for some great deals and some awesome tutorials! :)


EDIT: I forgot to add the other winner from today, SHANE. He got this amazing hookah from his brother, Kevin for his birthday. It is HUGE. The size of it's glass base alone is the size of his other hookah! Here's what it looks like: 



DIY Friday! (week 1)

DIY Stamps!

Today I'm going to show you a very simple way to make your own stamps! This is also a great project for kids (as long as an adult handles the x-acto knife!), and it's a good way to make use for all those pink erasers found lying around the house!

pen or sharpie, x-acto knife, pink eraser, stamp pad
Once you have all your materials together, start by choosing a design to fit on the eraser and draw it on. Try to keep it as uncomplicated a design as possible, unless you're up to the challenge. And remember, if you are doing letters, DRAW THEM BACKWARDS on the eraser...

Like this: 

From there, take the x-acto knife and start cutting. You will want to begin by pressing the x-acto knife down through the eraser about 1/4 of the way, then use it to free up the underside so you can detach the part you just cut off. 

It may not end up being the prettiest stamp in the word, but it does the job. 

Also, if you're doing letters, don't forget to cut out those little circles, like mine in the "O" and "P". (Although i gouged my "P" a bit by accident. *sadface*) And BE CAREFUL with that x-acto knife! 

Once you're done, test it out on your stamp pad! I made 4 total, and I love how they turned out! 

Have fun creating some unique stamps of your own!! 


Witty Wednesday (week 1)

Before I get into my "Witty Wednesday" post, I want to wish my boyfriend and partner in crime, Shane  Patterson, a happy 24th birthday!!! 
I love you! 

Enjoy! :)

(click pictures to enlarge)

Annnnnnd if the pictures weren't enough, here are a few hilarious videos for your viewing pleasure. Some are older, some are newer, I basically just looked at my youtube favorites and picked a few of the funniest ones. 


new beginnings

My store will be opening on Etsy later this week! Woo-hoo! I may have mentioned it in a previous blog post, but I will be mainly focusing on jewelry, although I may throw in some home deco. items like paintings or other odds and ends every once in awhile. 
Along with me is our friend AJ, who will also be selling some items in my store. He will be mainly doing hemp jewelry.  Another possible addition to the team is Shane's mom, Noreen. She makes some AWESOME lamps out of wine bottles that are absolutely gorgeous, so she may also be selling with us. Very exciting!!
Also, to ensure I don't provide incorrect information, I won't be posting any details on where to go until after everything's finalized and I'm open for business.

Although I can't show you where to buy these items just yet, I can give you a sneak peek at some of the jewelry I've made recently that will be listed for sale. Enjoy!

(If, by chance, you are interested in purchasing any of these pieces, comment on this post or send me an email at and we can discuss reserving the listing for you once the store is up and running.)

necklace: silver chain w/ light blue seed beads & teapot pendant

necklace: silver chain w/ multi orange beads and glass turtle 

necklace: silver chain w/ hot pink seed beads & leaf pendant

necklace: twisted blue, lt. blue & pink seed beads
w/ buddha pendant

necklace: clear purple seed beads w/ gold seed beads
and flower pendant

necklace: purple & tan oblong beads with black round beads

earrings: gold beads w/ pearls on silver wire
accentuated by wire flowers on the bottom

earrings: gold seed beads and black disc beads on silver wire

earrings: gold cylinder seed beads with black stone beads on silver wire

earrings: hot pink seed beads, gold seed beads,
and turquoise round beads on pink wire

earrings: multi green seed beads with blue/green glass
teardrop beads on silver wire

earrings: multi-orange seed beads with flower charms on silver wire

earrings: hot pink seed beads and blue beads on silver wire

earrings: dark brown stone beads with small red round beads on red wire

necklace: gold chain with wooden heart pendant

necklace: turquoise beads and faux pearls with decorative
wooden pendant

bracelet: amber glass beads and small translucent amber seed beads 

bracelet: floral round beeds with brown disk beads

bracelet: blue/green glass teardrop beads

necklace: pearly white seed beads and white stone beads
with owl pendant
Also, if you have any questions about the lengths of these items, what types of clasps they have, or if you want more pictures of a certain item, etc... please e-mail me.  Thanks!