


Hello blog world! Long time, no update! Since the last time I posted, We've had Thanksgiving and my birthday, which explains the absence. :)
To recap, my birthday week was amazing. I had the greatest time. We had originally planned to go to Iowa for my birthday/Thanksgiving but decided to wait until Christmas instead. On the day of my birthday (the day before Thanksgiving), we had a pretty laid back day, did a bit of shopping at the mall, ended up with two adorable sweaters, two pairs of leggings, a black cardigan, and a black v-neck tee. Needed to stock up on some layering basics now that it's getting much colder! :)
I received several other wonderful, thoughtful gifts, including a soldering iron and some other hardware from Shane's parents (they know me so well) that I am SO excited to start using!!
His sister, Kristen, and her boyfriend gifted me some awesomeness; a bead storage bin, some screw-on filters for the Canon that I had been eyeing on Amazon, and the piece de resistance, a book called Pimpology by Pimpin' Ken that had been on my Amazon wishlist for about 6 years. I had completely forgotten about it, and when I pulled it out of the bag, I laughed so hard. It is perfect! Shane's mom read passages from it outloud that night, and I was in tears it was so funny. Everyone needs to read this book.

Dad sent me some cash, which is ALWAYS appreciated, and Zee got me a great NYX matte eyeshadow and blusher palette that I have already used several times! I love it! Thank you everyone for the gifts, they were lovely, and made me feel special! :)

Anywho, Thursday was Thanksgiving, and we spent the morning making mashed potatoes and party pinwheels for 30 people. They were both a huge success, especially the pinwheels i whipped up. I will post the recipe soon!

We brought the tray into the house, and they were all GONE within about half an hour, I swear. And I received so many compliments on them! We went to Shane's aunt's house, which was absolutely beautiful, and I had only met about 2/3 of the people there, but I wasn't too worried, because there was an entire room devoted to beer and wine there, LOL. Shane, Kristen, Matt, Shane's cousin Bria and I camped out in the corner playing Monty Python Fluxx while the women mingled and the men watched football. The dinner was delicious!

Shane waiting for some Thanksgiving nomz

Friday was the best day of the week for me, though. We drove into Chicago that afternoon to meet up with Sharelle and Dusty, a couple of friends of mine who were in the city for the evening.

me and sharelle, both a liiiiiiittle drunk. :)

It was so nice to see some people from back home around my birthday, because that's all I really needed. :) We had a few drinks(yeah, I carried around a flask full of cake vodka that night. don't judge me), talked some shit, and then Shane and I headed to a small Chicago venue called Gorilla Tango Theater to see Don't Blink: A Doctor Who Burlesque.
I wanted to take photos so badly, but they were not allowed. :( I did get some pics of the outside of the theater, and some of the things inside with my phone, so here are those pics:

I thought these were hilarious. 

Saturday and Sunday, we lounged around and slept in, which was much needed after that long week! I had a wonderful time, though, and I hope all of you had as much fun as we did!
