

Birthday Blowout!

My 23rd birthday was yesterday, and as I mentioned before, Shane and I took a trip to Iowa for the weekend to celebrate and visit my friends and family. The trip takes about 5 hours, and the whole way there it was cold, dark, wet and foggy. 

We finally arrived at my sister's house, where we were staying, and I was, as per usual, mauled by her kids and dogs for a few hours. But that's my favorite part of visiting. :)

my neices, me, and my nephew
We took a bunch of silly distorted webcam photos, and then played the game "Sardines" for a while until we had to leave that evening. You play Sardines like Hide & Seek, except one person hides and the rest of the people seek, and when a seeker finds the hider, they hide with them until the last person finds everyone. It's best played in a big open place with lots of hiding spots, in complete dark. I taught them how to play it and now they ask me to play Sardines with them every time I come over! 

After that, we went out to a local bar called Sammy's Lounge, and met up with a group of my closest friends for some drinks. 

my sister from another mister, Emily.
we're enjoying some Sex on the Beach. ;)

For your viewing pleasure, my good friend Matt singing "Gossip Folks" by Missy Elliott & "Stayin' Alive" by The Bee Gees. HI-LARIOUS.

We went to another bar later on, but I was a bit too inebriated to take any blog-appropriate pictures. What I WASN'T too inebriated for, apparently, was dancing like a crazy white girl until last call. It was great. 

Yesterday, after I finally got around to prying myself off my sisters couch and freshening up, Shane and I visited my good friend Cassie, who has recently acquired a lil fuzzy bunny named Minion. I got bunny pee on my jacket and he nibbled a hole in the ass of my jeggings, and I don't even care. Cutest bunny ever. 

Minion licking my ear. SO CUTE IT HURTS!
p.s. my hair is wet from a shower, not extremely oily.
We were about to leave Cassie's place, but her parents' dog, Cash, who is a giant black lab, didn't want to let Shane leave. Every time Shane would stop petting him, he would pull his hand back over. I started taking a video and got the most priceless moment. Shane getting bitch-slapped by a dog.

After getting Shane out of there in one piece, we had a double date with our friends Emily & Justin. We got sushi at the best sushi place in town, Sushi House. (No pictures, unfortunately, we devoured our food before I even considered taking any.)

After sushi, we spent some time catching up with my dad and I found a bunch of old paintings and stuff that I had done a few years ago. They're pretty ridiculous, and very beginner-quality (well, I guess I am STILL a beginner!). I also found an old Kahlua bottle that I picked up last year at a local shop for a few bucks. It was made in 1937 and looks like this: 

sticker on the back.

I wonder if it's worth anything, I never noticed it was THAT old until I read the sticker on the back. If anyone has any knowledge on this, I would appreciate it! 

Oh, and my birthday gifts from everyone were AWESOME!
I got lots of painting/craft supplies from my sister and Shane's family, which I have been needing lately! 
Emily made me a wall decoration:

Carli also made me a wall decoration with a Fight Club reference (we both have obsessions with the movie):

I absolutely love both of them! 
Cassie made me this nifty lil neon box and filled it with candy. She knows me oh so well. :)

Shane got me this amazing makeup set from Sephora. It's part of their Sephora Favorites collection, and it's the Bestsellers one. Here's what's in it: 
(used the stock photo, since it won't be delivered
for a few more days)

Ahh, I'm so excited! 

Well, I figure this blog post is long enough. Time to get some sleep! I will have another tutorial (or maybe a couple) for you tomorrow, now that I have time and supplies! 



Music Therapy

I've been so busy with cleaning, packing, and getting ready for travelling this weekend that I haven't had a chance to do any craft tutorials. I have so many great ideas to share, they will just have to wait a few more sit tight! 
In lieu of a crafty post, I thought I'd give you something else to entertain you. I'm making a road trip playlist since we'll be in the car for about ten hours round-trip this weekend, and I'm going to share some of my favorite songs right now. Hopefully you'll hear something that you like! Enjoy! 

 ANBB - One

 Beat Dis - Just Like

 Body Language - You Can

 Borgore - Foes (16bit Fuck Hoes Remix)

 FC Kahuna - Hayling

 Oasis - Wonderwall (Questions Version)

 Primary 1 - "Princess" (CHLLNGR remix)

 SALM - Schubert a la mode (the sexinvaders edit)

 Science Industry - This Is How It's Meant To Be

 Sleigh Bells - Tell Em (Diplo Remix)

 The Bird Day - Gonna Beg You

 The Temper Trap- Soldier On (Big City Love Affair Remix)

 Thunderheist - Jerk it

 The Streets - In The Middle (Nero Remix)

What are some of YOUR favorite songs right now?!



Happy Thanksgiving! We had a great day today. Shane and I got up early, made some hot chocolate/coffee topped with mini-marshmallows, then we helped out a bit cooking Thanksgiving dinner with Shane's mom. It was just the three of us, but we made a fantastic little feast! 

Our spread: 
om nom nom.
grilled turkey, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes,
stuffing and mashed potatoes.
While the turkey was cooking and I was waiting to make the green bean casserole, I decided to paint a few of the Elmer's canvases that I made the other night. Here are a couple of the finished products: 

After eating dinner and coping with our food comas, the three of us played a couple games of Scrabble. Shane surprisingly kicked our butts in the first game. 

Playing Scrabble makes me miss being back home for Jenga nights! 
i promise there were other people there. 
I will do my best to crank out another craft tutorial tomorrow, but until then, I hope everyone else had as great a Thanksgiving as I did! 


Post-Laziness Post.

Sorry about the lack of a post yesterday, Shane and I went to bed pretty early and I didn't really have much to blog about. Speaking of Shane, funny story... after I did my last blog post, titled "Laziness + Nostalgia = Blog Post!" Shane came home from work and looked at the blog (he reads every post, what a sweetheart!) and he says, "Did you notice what shirt I'm wearing today?" and of course I didn't, so he shows me... 
"Nostalgia" T-shirt.
What a weird coincidence. Guess we were both feeling "nostalgic" that day. 

Yesterday was our last day at work before the holiday break, and our co-worker Erin remembered I mentioned my birthday was this weekend (Sunday, to be precise) and brought me a giant muffin! 
She said "I wanted to make you a cake, but all I had was muffin mix. So I made you a cake-sized muffin". I love it. It was delicious. Thanks, Erin!
blueberry yum-yum.

Today I'll be working on more of those Elmer's Glue design paintings, and I should have quite a few finished ones to post tomorrow evening. Here is my second one so far: 
I drew in the design with pencil first, made things MUCH easier.

Daily Dose: 
One internet celebrity I've been totally in love with for years is Leslie Hall. Her and her group, Leslie & The Ly's never fail to make me laugh. She specializes in bedazzled sweaters and ridiculous songs/videos. From Ames, Iowa, I give you Leslie & The Ly's with "Tight Pants/Body Rolls"

I'm going to try to do another blog post later tonight. I've been in the creative mood today so I'll try to have something to show off this evening! If not, look forward to a very crafty post tomorrow! :)
In other news, Shane and I are going back to Iowa (where I'm from) for the weekend, to see visit my family and celebrate my birthday. I'm sure I will have lots of stories and pictures to share! 
I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday celebration with their loved ones!! 
♥ Meagan


Laziness + Nostalgia = Blog Post!

I'm feeling ultra lazy tonight, but I made a commitment to myself to try and post something new everyday on this blog. So, I decided for tonight I would show off some older photos I've taken that I'm proud of. I haven't done any photography in quite awhile, but I'm hoping to get a new camera sometime soon so I can get back into the game. The one I have is not nearly up to par. I figured if I go through these old photos and put them out into the world, maybe that will motivate me to start clicking my shutter again. 
(Daily Dose after the photos)

black bear, Omaha Zoo

lioness, Omaha Zoo

lizard, Omaha Zoo

Asia & Ayanna

Rochelle & Ayanna


Freckles, a St. Bernard.

Freckles & Haley









Winter Windows

Jungle Gym
Now for your Daily Dose: 
My friend & fellow blogger Carli (Carli's blog) sent this to me yesterday, because she knows how much I love Boy Meets World. It's a tumblr page dedicated to them! I love it, they really don't make shows like this anymore. Topanga was an amazing role model for young girls, and the show is so well written. I usually find myself a little disappointed re-watching tv shows I loved when I was a kid, but this one doesn't ever disappoint! If you're also a fan, you should take a peek. It's like taking a walk down memory lane. 
Here's a few of my favorites: 

And here is the site where you can find all your favorite Boy Meets World moments: Happiest Show On Earth.
Enjoy! More crafts this week, I promise! :)


Quick & Simple Crafts!

Today, I finally made a much needed trip to Michaels. I snagged some more of their votive holders because I have become obsessed with glitterizing them. They look awesome! I made a few gold and silver ones to go along with the red one I made the other day: 

After doing a few of those, I decided to try a cute idea I saw on Pinterest using rubber bands and spray paint. 
Here's what I used: 
spray paint $3/ea., rubber bands, votive holders $2/ea.
and gloss spray/sealant $10.
First, wrap the rubber bands around the votive holders however you like... mine look like this (although I should note, your rubber bands should be flat against the glass and not twisted like mine are... I took the picture before I fixed it! Whoops!)

After that, I took the votive holders outside and spray painted them.

After letting the paint dry, I took off the rubber bands, scraped off any paint bumps from where the rubber bands were resting, and Voila!

and with the lights out...
While I was waiting for the paint to dry on those bad boys, I finished up a project I started last night. First, you take a canvas and draw a design on it with Elmer's Glue. I used a canvas that I had already painted a ridiculous fuschia color for no reason and made some funky flowers.

I let the glue dry on the canvas overnight until it was all clear. It looked a little something like this:

After the glue dried, I painted over it with purple acrylic paint. 

I love that you can still see the fuschia color subtly underneath the purple. 
After the purple paint dried, I added some gloss spray and now it's all done! 


Also, for The Daily Dose, I've decided to include all types of media... news, pictures, videos, anything. If you have anything to suggest for a Daily Dose feel free to let me know! If we're friends, send it to me on Facebook, or you can email me at

For today's Daily Dose, here's my favorite comedy troupe, Picnicface. They are the makers of the "Powerthirst" videos, as well as several other hilarious skits. 
This one is called "High-Five Portal". Enjoy.