

Birthday Blowout!

My 23rd birthday was yesterday, and as I mentioned before, Shane and I took a trip to Iowa for the weekend to celebrate and visit my friends and family. The trip takes about 5 hours, and the whole way there it was cold, dark, wet and foggy. 

We finally arrived at my sister's house, where we were staying, and I was, as per usual, mauled by her kids and dogs for a few hours. But that's my favorite part of visiting. :)

my neices, me, and my nephew
We took a bunch of silly distorted webcam photos, and then played the game "Sardines" for a while until we had to leave that evening. You play Sardines like Hide & Seek, except one person hides and the rest of the people seek, and when a seeker finds the hider, they hide with them until the last person finds everyone. It's best played in a big open place with lots of hiding spots, in complete dark. I taught them how to play it and now they ask me to play Sardines with them every time I come over! 

After that, we went out to a local bar called Sammy's Lounge, and met up with a group of my closest friends for some drinks. 

my sister from another mister, Emily.
we're enjoying some Sex on the Beach. ;)

For your viewing pleasure, my good friend Matt singing "Gossip Folks" by Missy Elliott & "Stayin' Alive" by The Bee Gees. HI-LARIOUS.

We went to another bar later on, but I was a bit too inebriated to take any blog-appropriate pictures. What I WASN'T too inebriated for, apparently, was dancing like a crazy white girl until last call. It was great. 

Yesterday, after I finally got around to prying myself off my sisters couch and freshening up, Shane and I visited my good friend Cassie, who has recently acquired a lil fuzzy bunny named Minion. I got bunny pee on my jacket and he nibbled a hole in the ass of my jeggings, and I don't even care. Cutest bunny ever. 

Minion licking my ear. SO CUTE IT HURTS!
p.s. my hair is wet from a shower, not extremely oily.
We were about to leave Cassie's place, but her parents' dog, Cash, who is a giant black lab, didn't want to let Shane leave. Every time Shane would stop petting him, he would pull his hand back over. I started taking a video and got the most priceless moment. Shane getting bitch-slapped by a dog.

After getting Shane out of there in one piece, we had a double date with our friends Emily & Justin. We got sushi at the best sushi place in town, Sushi House. (No pictures, unfortunately, we devoured our food before I even considered taking any.)

After sushi, we spent some time catching up with my dad and I found a bunch of old paintings and stuff that I had done a few years ago. They're pretty ridiculous, and very beginner-quality (well, I guess I am STILL a beginner!). I also found an old Kahlua bottle that I picked up last year at a local shop for a few bucks. It was made in 1937 and looks like this: 

sticker on the back.

I wonder if it's worth anything, I never noticed it was THAT old until I read the sticker on the back. If anyone has any knowledge on this, I would appreciate it! 

Oh, and my birthday gifts from everyone were AWESOME!
I got lots of painting/craft supplies from my sister and Shane's family, which I have been needing lately! 
Emily made me a wall decoration:

Carli also made me a wall decoration with a Fight Club reference (we both have obsessions with the movie):

I absolutely love both of them! 
Cassie made me this nifty lil neon box and filled it with candy. She knows me oh so well. :)

Shane got me this amazing makeup set from Sephora. It's part of their Sephora Favorites collection, and it's the Bestsellers one. Here's what's in it: 
(used the stock photo, since it won't be delivered
for a few more days)

Ahh, I'm so excited! 

Well, I figure this blog post is long enough. Time to get some sleep! I will have another tutorial (or maybe a couple) for you tomorrow, now that I have time and supplies! 


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