

Just to Give You an Idea...

So, since this is supposed to be a blog with craft ideas and I have been too lazy to make a crafty post, I thought I would at least give you a look at some random things I've done to whet your appetite. It's not all going to be blow-your-socks-off awesome or anything, but you should be able to see my progress and that's what's important, right?

Here goes!

picture frame. (they come plain and are $1 at Michaels! fun cheap craft to keep you busy!)

painting for my boyfriend.

t-shirt, made for my friend's Shark Week party last year. (fabric paint on navy blue t-shirt)

most recent doodle. funky flowers!

old painting. yes i realize the flowers are crooked. whoops!


simple yellow glass bead bracelet

bracelet with dragonfly charm

necklace: gold chain and turquoise beads

Gordy! I hate the lettering on this picture, but otherwise I think he is adorable.
boredom means doodling.
haven't decided if this is finished yet. it needs something more.
forever unfinished danny devito painting (scummy ex kept it.  :(    )

I will post more later, these are just a random assortment of older things i've done. Hope you enjoyed it! 

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