

Afternoon Delight

I had a nice morning/afternoon with Shane today, before he left for work. 
He made some hot cocoa with mini marshmallows: 

And I made some pasta for us for lunch. It was delicious, but so filling. 

Last night and this morning, I worked on a few more sets of coasters. 

There is this one: 
The "Love" Set. 

And then i did a bright Funky Flowers Set: 

And this morning I did a "Blues" Set: 

If you missed the other coasters I did, here's a look at most of them: 

I really like how they're turning out! 
I'll be making a few more sets tonight, and possibly some t-shirts and votives too. I need to keep cranking them out! 

Also, a tip to those who are making coasters like these: DON'T FORGET TO ADD FELT SQUARES ON THE UNDERSIDE OF YOUR COASTER. The felt prevents the coaster from sliding or scratching the table. I forgot to mention that in the previous post. 

Anyone else have any ideas or tips for coaster-making? Send your suggestions to 


  1. I kinda want some of those funky flower ones!...haha they are super cute=)

  2. thank you! i'm going to be starting an etsy store in a month or so and i can always make more of them! check back and you can snag a set :)
