


I've been feeling pretty icky since yesterday, and haven't been in much of a crafting mood. I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with a cold. Yuck. So, I'm taking a brief hiatus from crafting until next week... I just don't have the energy or creativity for it at the moment. (Plus, our internet has been SUPER crappy for the last few days, so it's kind of a pain in the ass to blog, too.) 
In the meantime, I've started writing. I used to love writing when I was in school, and was very good at it, but my skill and passion for it faded away. To ease myself back into it, I found an empty notebook and a pen and started jotting things down.

Yesterday, I made a list of some things that inspire me:

-George Lass and her constant smirk. (Dead Like Me)

-Winter & purple pastel sky.

-Beautiful, intricate Indian clothing/style.

-Close-ups of EYEBALLZZZZ. (have you ever studied one very closely?)

-Hot breath on cold air.

mmm, Chanel.
-Sheer, shimmery fabrics

-Halloween decorations

-Tiny trinket boxes (or anything "mini" for that matter...)

-Paint splatter


-Ads from the 50's (Leave it to Beaver style).

This is a never-ending list, I keep adding onto it as I realize more and more things that pique my attention.

What inspires you?

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