

Witty Wednesday (week 2)

Hey blogworld! Time for an even wittier Wednesday! 
(This post, like every other Wednesday, is very image heavy. It may take a few moments to load completely.)

Just like before, pictures first....

I wanted to start with my new favorite meme.... Handmade Ryan Gosling. This reminds me so much of Shane it's ridiculous. Plus, each one includes a picture of Ryan Gosling. Can't go wrong with that combo. 

See the rest of the Handmade Ryan Goslings here: 

I felt obligated to share these gifs that my friend Cathy sent me on Facebook the other day as well. I laughed so hard when I opened them. 


ok, so this one freaks me out a little.

And now for a few videos to top this post off! 

Another favorite of mine from the Flula Borg collection.

Jenna Marbles' tribute to Hannah on 'My Drunk Kitchen'

Hannah from 'My Drunk Kitchen' and her tribute to Jenna Marbles. 

Both ladies are hilarious.

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