


Wow. I'm a horrible blogger. Really, though, I don't mean to keep putting off posts. This week just sort of turned into an emotional shit-storm (excuse my french).
Unfortunately, Shane's family cat (his favorite of the four) had to be put down this week, due to some health issues. Her name was Zelda and she lived a long happy life with her sister Link, a matching black and white kitty who also passed away recently. With all of that, on top of lots of other stress, frustration, annoyances, and my own issues mixed in, you can see how things like blog posts get pushed to the wayside a bit when you've got emotions and grieving on the homefront.

Zelda (left) & Link (right)
photo nabbed from Shane's sister's FB.
Anyhow, this week will go as usual, except I will not have a tutorial for this upcoming week. We are leaving here for Iowa on Friday morning and will be there until the following Monday, enjoying some much-needed time with my friends. I will be taking lots of pictures, as we have tons of fun things planned, including some craft time with my close friends, a new haircut and color for me (yay!), laser tag and skating at a roller rink, as well as my Fancy Dress-Up Party that I mentioned in my Party Shoes tutorial.
My niece, Mackenzie, also told me she made some earrings out of bottle caps, so I'm excited to see what she made and show everyone here as well!

This week, look forward to a great road-trip playlist, and a wittier Wednesday than ever before!

See you soon, Iowa! :)


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