

Pumpkin Carvings!

Everyone loves to show off their pumpkin carvings, so I thought I'd join in on the fun! I'm no expert carver, and I definitely made a few mistakes here and there, but here are our pumpkins for Halloween 2013!

We found free pumpkin patterns online, because none of us really trust our freehand ability. I used the website Pumpkin Pile to find patterns, there are tons there and they are all free!

Shane and I both worked on the Boo pumpkin at the far left, I did the mediocre kitty pumpkin in the middle, and Shane's mom did an excellent Jack Skellington on the far right.

In the spirit of Halloween and Autumn in general, we saved the seeds and made roasted pumpkin seeds! Stop by tomorrow for the how-to and the recipe I used so that you can make your own!

Have a ghoulish day! ;)

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