


Happy Thanksgiving! We had a great day today. Shane and I got up early, made some hot chocolate/coffee topped with mini-marshmallows, then we helped out a bit cooking Thanksgiving dinner with Shane's mom. It was just the three of us, but we made a fantastic little feast! 

Our spread: 
om nom nom.
grilled turkey, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes,
stuffing and mashed potatoes.
While the turkey was cooking and I was waiting to make the green bean casserole, I decided to paint a few of the Elmer's canvases that I made the other night. Here are a couple of the finished products: 

After eating dinner and coping with our food comas, the three of us played a couple games of Scrabble. Shane surprisingly kicked our butts in the first game. 

Playing Scrabble makes me miss being back home for Jenga nights! 
i promise there were other people there. 
I will do my best to crank out another craft tutorial tomorrow, but until then, I hope everyone else had as great a Thanksgiving as I did! 

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