

Christmas Craziness

Sorry about the lack of posts for the last few days. I've been holed up in my little workshop, and I feel like one of Santa's elves. I can't really post a lot of what I'm working on right now since I want my friends and family to be surprised when they open their gifts, but you'll see them after Christmas. 

Also, Shane and I are going to be going to be going back to my hometown again for Christmas so that we can celebrate and exchange gifts and spend time with my family. We're heading out there next Thursday and coming back home on Christmas Eve. I'm just hoping the traffic isn't too ridiculous on Christmas Eve, and that the weather stays as calm as it has been lately. 
It was beautiful outside today!

One thing I CAN post about is the Reddit coasters I'm making tomorrow so stay tuned for those! Also, as soon as we get a chance, Shane's mom is going to teach me how to make Christmas ornaments and we'll have a tutorial for you as well! 

Oh, and a quick story before I completely forget to blog about it... Shane and I were at Wal-Mart the other day and I was cashing my paycheck. We got in line at the customer service counter behind a plump little balding man who was talking very excitedly and waving this DVD in the air: 

 He got my attention, so I started listening to what he was saying and he was ranting and raving about the plot of the movie. Basically, it's a quadruple feature, 4 films in one. Here's what I got off Wikipedia, to save you the expletives and ravings from this weird old man. 

So, as you can imagine, when this man is waving this ridiculous DVD around, yelling about "The Gays"(his words, not mine.), Werewolves, Zombies, and Hitler I'm going to start cracking the fuck up. I lost my shit. I almost got the kid working customer service that had to get yelled at in trouble because he started laughing too. Finally he assured the man he would do something about getting that movie off the Children's dvd shelf. Made my day. 

Oh, and Happy Freakin' BIRTHDAY to my Dad and my friend Cathy today! 

More crafts soon! 
xoxo, Meagan. 

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