



My friend Sharelle has been giving The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins RAVE reviews lately, and I've heard great things from other sources as well, so that was sort of a last-second selection. 
When we got to the bookstore, I knew I wanted to buy Bossypants by Tina Fey, and The Big-Ass Book of Crafts 2 by Mark Montano. I have been eyeing those books for MONTHS but each time we go to the bookstore (which hasn't been very often lately, unfortunately) I forget to look for them. I am so excited to curl up and read for awhile tomorrow...after I list a few things on my Etsy shop, that is. 

Speaking of the shop, I have the shop opened and everything, but haven't listed anything quite yet. I had a VERY long, busy day of running errands, but enjoyed spending the day with Shane. 
Once we got home, I dove right into baking Shane and his family Root beer float cupcakes for Shane's birthday...

I'll post a picture of the cupcakes once I get up the motivation. I promise.
After I baked the cupcakes, I whipped up some penne alfredo with garlic chicken that was pretty damn delicious, if I do say so myself. 

Anyway, back to the store... I'm working on the look and feel of it tonight, making the banner, listing the policies, etc, etc... but I will be working on listing items to the shop tomorrow afternoon, once I've gotten some sleep!

Stay on the look out for some great deals and some awesome tutorials! :)


EDIT: I forgot to add the other winner from today, SHANE. He got this amazing hookah from his brother, Kevin for his birthday. It is HUGE. The size of it's glass base alone is the size of his other hookah! Here's what it looks like: 



  1. I'm so honored to be in your library! Thanks for sharing that photo with us.
    Keep in touch, OK!
    big crafty hugs,

    1. Wow! Thank you! I'm honored that you took the time out of your day to comment! You just made my week. :D
      There are so many ideas in your book that I can't wait to try! Big crafty hugs right back atcha!
