

Suck It Saturday!

(The title was Shane's idea. It made me laugh and I'm a laugh-whore so now it's the blog title. DEAL WITH IT.)

Also, I only had time for the rings and flower crowns last night. Ya know, because I had such a CRAZZZY evening... sitting in my workshop.....watching New Girl and.....stuff. I'm so wild.

Anyway, here are the other tutorials I promised... 


I have been wanting to make a flower crown since last fall, when I visited Shane at The Bristol Rennaisance Faire (he works there every year). I saw girls walking around with these gorgeous flower crowns and KNEW I would look ballin' in one. So, like with just about anything else I do these days, I forgot about it for months, then I finally got up the motivation to pick up fake flowers at Michaels and make one of my own, just in time for Spring! 

What you will need

  • 2 Flower garlands (You can buy more if you'd like, it really just depends on how much hot-gluing you wnat to do. They were on sale for 40% off when I went, so instead of $5.99 they ended up being closer to $4)
  •  Hot glue gun
  • Complimentary flowers 
I started off by cutting off the tags on the flower garlands, twisting them around each other, and then holding it around my head like a headband to see what length I needed it to be. I cut off the extra length of garland and set it aside for a future project, and hot-glued the ends of the garlands together. 

I know it's not the prettiest hot glue job in the world, but it works, and the flowers that I add later will cover it anyway, so who cares? 

From there, I removed a bunch of leaves that I didn't like. This is optional... if you want more green leaves in yours, obviously just leave them there... Mine were sort of overwhelming the crown, so I trimmed off the ugly ones. 

Now you will want to get your complimentary flowers ready. 

Then, take each flower and start hot-gluing them around the crown in the bare areas. I leave an inch or two of stem length when I cut the flowers, so I can wrap it around the crown AND glue it. It gives it a little bit of extra reinforcement.

please excuse my zebra leggings, lol.

That's it! 

I am going to go a little further with it though, because there are a couple spots in my crown that are a bit poke-y, so, to fix that I am going to cut an old orange t-shirt into inch-wide strips and wrap it around the stem part of the crown so that it is more comfortable. 

Pretty damn cute.


You don't need much for this one, and there are endless possibilities! 

What you will need: 
  • beading wire
  • beads
  • small pliers
  • hot glue gun

Start by taking your beading wire and wrapping it around the finger you'd like to wear the ring on.

Make sure you can slide the loop on and off your finger, but be careful. You don't want it to be too big that it will fall off either. 

From here, I twist the ends of the wire so that the ring loop doesn't get messed up. When you do this, keep in mind the part of the ring that will be touching your skin, Make sure the wire's poky end isn't going to be poking your finger while you wear it! 

Then, pick out what bead you'd like to use for the ring top. I chose this diamond-shaped turquoise bead that I found at Michaels for $2 a strand!

Glue the wrapped part of the wire ring onto the center of the bead. 

Once the glue dries, you're all done!! 

I love my new ring! 

Check out a couple of the other rings I made last week in my Valentine's Day post.

And while I still have you here, check out my store, BaubleHeadz! I am adding new jewelry all weekend! 


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