

Work & Play

Yes, I know I've been on a brief hiatus since we got back from Cedar Rapids this Monday. I had a big order come in on my jewelry shop this week, I've been making some changes to the blog, and as of today, I have been asked to do a piece for an old friend's upcoming anniversary. So, as you can see, I've had a bit of work on my hands, but I love it.

As for the blog changes... How do you like the new look? I wanted something colorful and fresh to remind me that Spring is just around the corner and I can start wearing clothes that I actually like again! :P

I will continue my regular posts on Monday, with a kick-ass playlist, so stop back Monday and start your week off right!
For past playlists, visit the newly added Music Monday archive

Wednesday, as always, will be there to get you through to the end of the week, wittier than ever. Stop by for a laugh, especially if you're in that mid-week slump. Witty Wednesday archive

If you're in the mood for a DIY Project, you can always visit my DIY archive 

And, of course, my jewelry store is up and running!

Visit my store, BaubleHeadz to see my handmade jewelry! 

Custom Orders:
I am open to discussing custom orders, so if you have something you'd like made, please get ahold of me, I will list my contact information in the bottom of this post.

I make necklaces, earrings (post earrings and dangling earrings), bracelets, rings, and raver kandi (although, for the kandi, i only do the simple bracelets, i do not do patterned cuffs or anything of that nature.)

If you ARE looking to have something custom-made, please E-mail me and be as descriptive as possible.
Be sure to include your:

  • Size Preferences (including accurate measurement of the wrist for bracelets, length preference for necklaces and your ring size for rings.)
  • Color preferences
  • Material Preferences (For reference, the materials I work with most are beads, clay, resin, wire, and stone. I'm not necessarily limited to those options only, but if you have something else in mind, there is no guarantee I will be able to do it for you. Also, I do not knit/crochet/macrame.)
  • Any other preferences (If you are picky about what kind of clasp is used, or something of that nature, please include that as well.)

Contact info (which can also be found on my "About Me" Page, for future reference):
Questionable Logic on FB
BaubleHeadz on FB
My Pinterest Boards


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