

Wall Decorations... Easy, Quick, Adorable!

After the rotten week that I've had, I'm having a Meagan day. I have some projects to work on tonight for a tutorial tomorrow... they include a wood-burning project for Shane's mom, a tie-dye project (without typical tie-dye materials), and the Christmas presents that I'm making for my nieces. Yay! Last night while I was waiting for Shane to get home from work, I made some of these cute hearts on a string. This hardly needs a tutorial, but I'm camera-happy so you're getting one anyway.

Started out with this great scrapbook paper that Shane's mom gifted to me: 

"Old World Stack" by DCWV.
I would assume the cost is between $5-$10.
From there, I cut out about 3  4" x 4" squares from each sheet. After cutting the squares, I gently folded them in half (not so firmly that it leaves a big crease) and used my Kingergarten training to cut out halves of hearts on the folds. Unfold them so they are the whole hearts, duh. 

After that, I used a hole punch to, well, punch holes. 

After the holes were punched, I used some hemp that I had on hand to string them on. I tied bows at each end so the hearts wouldn't fall off the end of the string... (also because bows are cute). Then I used plain old scotch tape on the back of the hearts so that they stayed in place.

I think they look pretty damn cute. 

To go with it, I mounted some of this cutesy scrapbook paper that I really love onto a canvas, which took all of about 20 seconds. I just used rubber cement. I plan on sealing it, just haven't gotten around to it. Plus, I have to do that outdoors and IT IS COLD in Northern Illinois! Yikes. 
Anyway, this is what it looks like. I think the colors and design go nicely with the hearts.

In other news, I finally received my Sephora gift from Shane in the mail earlier this week. I am MORE than satisfied! Sephora knows how to take care of their customers. When we placed the order online, I was offered 3 free samples for gifts, and I chose two perfume samples (Kate Walsh "Boyfriend", and  "Fan Di FENDI") and a hair mask (Bumble & Bumble Creme de Coco Masque). I haven't used the masque yet, but both of the perfumes are great, and the samples were bigger than I expected. 
Since we ordered it close to my birthday, when we were "checking out" I was offered a free birthday gift, which I chose to be a Philosophy brand Shampoo/Shower Gel/Bubble Bath that smells exactly like vanilla birthday cake. Yum! 
Here's what the makeup set looks like... I was pleasantly surprised that the products in the set were much bigger than what I thought they would be. The stock photo really didn't do them justice. Especially the Daisy rollerball (which I will blog about later). 

Woo Hoo! Well, I'm off to watch Veronica Mars and do some crafting. Tutorials tomorrow! 


  1. The heart chain is adorable! It's so simple, I'm tempted to try this with the kids/teens I work with. I'm also incredibly jealous of your new makeup. Just sayin' :)

  2. Thank you! Yes, it's super simple and takes hardly any time. Looks great above a shelf and is a great idea for parties too. You could change the shapes to be anything you want! :)
    The make-up is awesome! If you have $75 to spare and are in the market for some, I would recommend it. I'll be reviewing a few of the products in the kit soon, so stay tuned! And thank you for reading!
