

blah blah blog

I promise I'm not abandoning this blog on purpose. I have been in sort of a creative block for a little while. A lot of things have been changing around here recently, one of those things being my entire sleep schedule, which has really thrown me off. We've gone from staying up until 3AM and waking up at 10AM to staying up til 10PM and getting up at 5:30AM. I'm a morning person, yes, but I tend to do my best work late at night, and that's not really working for me. (Unless I just start sleeping through the middle of the day and give myself 3rd shift hours, ugh.) So, I've been taking it one step at a time, and have been spending a lot of time working on jewelry for the store, which is my priority, and getting back into painting (more on that later..).
Now I am attempting to work the blog back into my daily groove, but I do have some changes I'd like to make to the blog itself before I get into the swing of things. I know I keep saying "I'll be back in (x) weeks with new posts!" But I've realized it's unrealistic for me to set deadlines like that. It seems like each time I do, something new comes up and it doesn't quite work out the way I want it to.
I'm going to be chipping away on the look & feel of the blog today, to give it a more updated look. If you check back later tonight, you will have a preview of some exciting new features I will be adding. :)

Thank you to any followers for continuing to come back to the blog, and all newcomers! I really appreciate it.

xoxo, Meagan.

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