


Well HELLO there!
Long time, no see!
Since the last time I posted (HOLY CRAP, NOVEMBER?!) I have been completely focused on doing a huge overhaul on my shop, BaubleHeadz. Now that I've got that where I want it, I decided to come back to blogging!! (YAY!)
I made a few minor changes to the blog, one of which being the appearance (title, colors, etc.) and I hope you like it!
I also decided to end my run with Music Mondays and in its place I will be doing PURRSday on Thursdays! Be prepared for adorable animal overload!
Witty Wednesday will stay the same, and I will still be doing DIY projects!
While we're on the subject of my DIY projects, I'm excited to say you can expect to see WAY better photos! Shane and I put together a homemade lightbox (lookout for a DIY on that!) and my photos are so crisp, clear and bright now! WOO-HOO!

Not much has changed on a personal level, for those of you wondering. Shane and I are still happily together in the Chicago area, and we are planning on moving back to Iowa (where I am from originally) this year.

On another note... remember those kittens I posted last summer?
(here's a couple photos to jog your memory)

Well, we begrudgingly found them a home, and said our sad goodbyes, and then we realized their mother was sticking around the yard. At first, she didn't want anything to do with us, but we started leaving food out for her regularly since she wasn't harming anything and she keeps rodents out of the garden.
More and more each day she began to warm up to us, and slowly she began to let us pet her, and when it started to get cold outside, we started inviting her into the craft dungeon (my workspace/the garage).
We took her to get spayed, and now she is officially our craft dungeon cat! I named her Lucy, but all anyone calls her is Mama Kitty. She stays outside during the day, hunting and sunning herself on the deck, and at night she comes in to eat and relax on her throne (the footstool under the table in front of me). I couldn't ask for a better cat companion!

Meet Lucy:
(she's camera-shy, so I had to sneak up on her for this one)

But enough about cats... 

2013 is here! Since I haven't posted since 2012, I thought I'd provide some fun pics from our NYE Celebration. We had a great, low-key night playing board games and drinking with Shane's family...
a mildly intoxicated Meagan

Don't ask me why we dressed up in costumes. It just sorta happened... 

Alright, that's it for now, NEW POSTS START NEXT WEEK! 


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