

The Bear

To anyone who actually reads this blog, thank you! I really appreciate it. This has become a great way to express myself and the things I enjoy, and I've become so much more motivated to create rather than sit on my butt all day. I still haven't had a chance to stop by the craft store for a couple supplies, so since I'm lacking a craft tutorial and the energy, I will give you a little story and some pictures of yours truly. 
As I mentioned in a previous post, Shane and I are working together at our local school district. A week or two ago, we were walking back to our work room from break, and Shane and I noticed a giant stuffed bear sitting just outside our doorway. Everytime we see the bear, he has been moved and something has been added to him. I NEVER see anyone else near the bear, so i am convinced this is some Toy Story shit and he's having his own adventures. So of course, I do what I always do...grab my camera, and get a picture (or in this case, make Shane take one for me). Enjoy!  
The Bear starts off lonely, with nothing to his name but a
piece of paper containing a Helen Keller quote.

the next day he decided to do some public speaking.
I'm sure he's a crowd-pleaser.

we both look like we've had a hard night out.
although he's enjoying it more. 


the last we've seen of The Bear. someone half-heartedly added
what looks like a frisbee and something called
a "Resource Guide". 

Now, for your Daily Dose: 
This one was purely nostalgic, it's Salad Fingers. 
I'm also adding a rough sketch of Salad Fingers that will eventually be a finished painting (that is, whenever I finally get around to it...). Let me know what you think!
Salad Fingers:

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