

Craft Quickie

Today I learned how much of a procrastinator I can be. At the beginning of the day I told myself "Meagan, you've got the whole afternoon to yourself to create new things and show everyone!" and instead, I watched Boy Meets World and fiddled with my blog. It got to be around 7:00 before I realized I hadn't done anything I planned to do today. 
I started working on a Christmas present idea that I have for a few family members, but I ended up hitting a couple roadblocks. While I'm re-working that plan, I decided to give you a craft quickie! I got this idea from the amazing Jen at 586 Square Feet. She did a post about glitterizing votive holders. I don't have double-sided tape, so I used what I had available, which was my Krylon spray adhesive. I think it worked out pretty nicely. 

glitter, adhesive, votive holder.
From there, it's pretty simple. spray the adhesive on the votive, shake some glitter on it, and let it dry. Here's what mine looks like with red glitter:

After the adhesive dried and the glitter set, I popped in a tea candle and turned off the lights. It looks great! 
What do you think?

Oh, and I almost forgot your Daily Dose....
I have been obsessed with watching this vlogger's youtube videos. He is a German DJ named Flula Borg who posts videos about American customs and phrases he doesn't understand. His rants are nothing short of HILARIOUS. Here's one for you.

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