


Hello everyone! This week has been fairly hectic, and we've got an even busier week ahead of us! So, sorry ahead of time for the lack of posts. As you know, I have been working on Christmas presents all week, so I haven't had much time to do crafts. I still have more presents to put together too, it seems like it never ends! I'm just thankful that I'll get to see my friends and family for Christmas. 

Speaking of family, my grandpa's health has unfortunately taken a turn for the worse recently, and he isn't likely to be with us much longer. He's in my thoughts every day. I'll always remember climbing on top of his big tall bed as a kid and watching him play his mandolin. Grandpa, I hope you leave this world painlessly, with all of your memories. 

grandma & grandpa lane (and my cousin brandon)

In other news, Shane got a call about a new job at a warehouse, so he is starting right away on Monday and he'll be working 2nd shift on weekdays and working at the restaurant on the weekends, I feel like I'm never going to see him anymore! :( But, he is going to be making more money, so I suppose that's a plus. 
As for me, I'm working on getting some projects done in the next few weeks so that I can start up an Etsy store, and start making some money off of my jewelry/home deco items that I've made. I probably won't be doing tutorials on the things I am selling unless there is a request. I will post the Etsy store information once I'm finished with it. Stay tuned!

Good evening.

(P.S.: go to and type in "let it snow". Be amazed.)

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