

Woo hoo! Christmas is coming!

Well, I have finally cleared our local Home Depot out of their 16 cent off-white ceramic tiles. Shane ran in to pick some up for me the other day and came out with a box full and said "This is all they have left..." Looks like it's time to re-stock, Home Depot!! 

I have been sequestering myself in my workspace all week working my butt off making Christmas presents. I have most of them finished and wrapped, so I'm giving myself a break today. 

Also, since my little sister specially requested these, down to the colors, I suppose I can show the coasters I made today... zebra print with pink letters: 

i drew in the black lines with sharpie first, then painted over it.
that made things much, much easier.

Also, I made a set of coasters for my mom to match the colors in her living room: 

Aaaaand a peek at one of the song lyric coasters... 

I'm going to try and work on some Christmas ornaments tonight, so hopefully I'll have a tutorial for you tomorrow as long as nothing else gets in the way! 

Oh, also, Jen at 586 Square Feet sent me this awesome Leslie Hall video that I hadn't seen yet. It cracked me up so I'm sharing it with you! 

Have a great weekend! 

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