


Hi everyone!
Sorry it's been so long, things have been picking up with the shop, so I haven't had any time to update this blog! Trust me, I'm working on it. I will post whenever I'm able to, and I do have some DIY projects up my sleeve to share soon, so stay tuned!
In the meantime, I thought I'd share some new things going on at the shop and with my life. Heeeerrreeee we go!

Shop-wise, you may have noticed I've been branching out from just making jewelry into some home decor items. I began making coasters, and I have now moved on to wall decor! I'm unbelievably excited about this new venture, and it has turned out wonderfully, in my opinion! Here are some of the first batch of what I'm calling "Wall Wit". These are brand new to the shop as of today, 09/06/13.

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Now, if you've been paying attention, you'll notice how much crisper and clearer the photos are now... that's because I recently acquired a brand new Canon Rebel DSLR! I can't wait to share more photos here, and I hope you are all as excited as I am! 

I will be sharing more photos here soon, so be on the lookout! Shane and I are going to be doing some exploring for photogenic spots this weekend! If you know of any great scenic areas in northern Illinois, please share! Comment, email or write on the Questionable Logic FB wall! I love to hear from all of you!! 


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