

Fresh Horseradish

Last week, Shane's dad pulled some horseradish from the backyard garden, and hinted at me to do something with it. I had no idea horseradish was even a plant, let alone that it grew in our backyard, so of course I had to try making some horseradish on my own! It's a lot easier than I thought it would be, so I wanted to pass it along to all of you!

The root of the horseradish plant is what you'll need for this, so make sure you keep it. 
Chop off the leaves, dispose of them, and rinse the root tubes.

They should look something like this: 

Now, take a vegetable peeler, and peel the outer layer off the root tubes. 
They should now look like this:

Now, use a knife and cube the tubes. (I'm starting to think I should turn this into a song...)

Add the chopped up tubes along with 2 tbsp. of water into a blender and pulse until combined and at the desired consistency.

Make sure there aren't any large lumps or that it isn't too stringy.

Add 1 tbsp of white vinegar, and pulse a little bit more in the blender to combine.

Empty all the contents of the blender into a small airtight container. Make sure to use a rubber spatula to scrape out everything, it will get stuck to the sides and under the blender blade. 

Mine had a little extra water, so i held a spoon against it and tipped the container to drain the excess water. 

And now you have your finished horseradish! 
I made this fresh horseradish to use in a crab cake sauce recipe, (1 c. mayo, 1 tbsp lemon juice, pinch of salt and pepper, and 2 tbsp horseradish) and turned a horseradish hater into a lover! 

Have fun!! 

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